Cherry Blossom Movie Review

Cherry Blossoms Mailorder Bride is a movie produced by Celestial Images. Mei Ming, a mail order bride in China’s real life story inspired this picture. The picture was loosely based on the actual life episode between Mei Ming, who sold her body for her husband’s family.

As she attempts to promote her body and look for a husband the movie follows the life of Mei Ming. At the end of the film, it’s revealed that the daughter of Mei Ming did not need her to marry due to the problems her mother had gone through with her loved ones. Mei Ming decided to remain unmarried to save her daughter.

This was actually the first picture to be released about a mailorder bride and it spawned pictures after it. It paved the way for various other movies like”Wei Yi Li”,”Shan Yu Niang”Eliza’s Wedding”.

The Celebrities Fu Ting (The Killing Fields, A Better Tomorrow), Shi Wei (Shi Yueshan at Lost at Thailand), Li Kun Wei (Jun Fan at Dynasty of Chaos), Lin Kong, Xia Jun Yin, Ye Zhang, Yang Yue, Zhu Jun Wen, and Ji Min Hao. The movie written by Yang Yiqiang and is directed by Cai Ling Wu. Producer Hu Xiangcong works on the picture. Picture Scripter Yang how to find a girl Yiqiang is credited to the film.

This film has gained a enormous following of fans. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Film Editing and also the film won a Golden Lion Award at the Beijing International Film Festival for Best Documentary Feature.

The reason is Mei Ming, because of the character. She is the mailorder bride who travelled to get her family in China. After she failed to find her loved ones, she and her partner married and had two children, but she discovered that her husband was having an affair.

There are numerous traits that she shares with other characters from the picture. If she first enters the country, she tells her husband she does not want to get rid of her”halo” (her beautiful looks) because of her face, skin tone, and surname.

She’s known to have flaws, also there are a lot of comments about her personality at the Cherry Blossoms Mail Order Bride. She does things which produce her look stupid and pathetic.

Michael Reynolds, who plays this town’s mayor, is among the main characters from the movie. He has a boy named Phil, and he was the only person who could help her family is found by Mei Ming.

She moved because she wanted to try the traditional Oriental marriage. Mei Ming didn’t know anything so the marriage turned out to be a mistake for her.

Michael Reynolds told Mei Ming he adored her, but when she’s his own wife, he wished vietnam bride to wed her. Mei Ming wed Michael Reynolds after he was rejected by her, and she told him she did not want to ruin it and wished to keep her marriage private.

A modern day scenario, the movie portrays, but it is quite intriguing. It’s really a must-see movie for people who like Chinese movies. This is a movie that is good as it tells the facts about what really happens in the wedding system.